Friday, March 25, 2011

Jane Eyre

I owe a great big thanks to Ruth Ann for bringing this to my attention! I am super excited to see that there is a brand new version of Jane Eyre that was made, and is in theaters now! Though, unfortunately it's not in any theaters around here ~ the closest is in either Mississauga or Toronto. But I'm still excited nonetheless! It'll give me something to look forward to when it comes out on DVD.  :)

Here's some information about the movie:

Jane is played by Mia Wasikowska (she was Alice, in the new Alice in Wonderland), and so far, based on several reviews, it seems like she's the best Jane yet. It'll be interesting because she's much younger than any other actresses who have played Jane (~ and that was actually the director's choice... he wanted an actress approximately the same age as Jane was in the book).
Mr. Rochester is played by Michael Fassbender ~ someone I know nothing about! But he looks like a good Mr. Rochester, and again, reviews seem to say only great things about him.
Also in the cast is Judi Dench (as Mrs. Fairfax), Sallie Hawkins (an actress I know because she played the lead in my favourite version of Persuasion), Jamie Bell (the boy who played Billy Elliot!), and Tamzin Merchant (the girl who played Georgiana Darcy in the newest version of Pride & Prejudice). Looks pretty good!

Here is the main trailer for it. It definitely looks pretty dark... again, something the director was aiming for. She said she was trying to capture the spookiness that plagues the entire story, because in other adaptations they don't show as much of that side of it (but rather focus more on making it a romantic period movie). Anyway, you can see for yourself in the trailer:

And one more thing to note, that I'm particularly looking forward to, is that Dario Marianelli did the soundtrack for it (he did the newest Pride & Prejudice soundtrack). Should be great!


  1. I don't know about the movie - it does seem kind of dark, but I loved the Pride & Prejudice soundtrack so I'm looking forward to this one!

    We should rent it together... I don't think I could watch it on my own.

  2. Have you seen the other version of Jane Eyre? I have that DVD, so we'll have to do a movie night so you can get a taste for what this'll be like. It's kind of interesting how dark the Bronte sisters' books are. So different from Jane Austen!
    (p.s. Have you seen Wuthering Heights?)
